聊聊西方社會的另一面-新西蘭的好與壞 The other side of Western countries, the pros and cons of living in NZ.

Описание к видео 聊聊西方社會的另一面-新西蘭的好與壞 The other side of Western countries, the pros and cons of living in NZ.

聊聊西方社會的另一面-新西蘭的好與壞 The other side of Western countries- the pros and cons of living in NZ

除了優點,生活在西方社會還有哪些不盡如人意的地方?我們一起來聽聽小櫻對於生活在新西蘭十多年的感受. 西方國家有哪些典型的社會問題? 毒品合法化, 黑幫合法化對普通民眾意味著什麼?

Except good aspects, any other negative parts of western countries? Let's talk with Xiao Yin, to listen what's her opinion of living NZ? What are the typical social issues in western countries? What does the legalisation of drugs and gangs mean to ordinary people?

我是曼曼, 喜歡用鏡頭和文字紀錄身邊人的故事, 也喜歡思考, 與你們一起慢慢聊人生, 分享我個人對一些問題深刻看法及感悟, 如果你覺得這些信息對你有用, 別忘了訂閱按讚及轉發, 同時, 如果您或者您身邊任何有趣的故事,新奇的想法想分享,請發郵件至:
E-mai:[email protected] 讓我們在人生這場修行中共同見證彼此的成長!

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E-mai:[email protected]


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