【合戦解説】桶狭間の戦い 織田軍vs今川軍 信長の一か八かの奇襲戦が成功!天下に信長の名を知らしめた戦い Battle of Okehazama

Описание к видео 【合戦解説】桶狭間の戦い 織田軍vs今川軍 信長の一か八かの奇襲戦が成功!天下に信長の名を知らしめた戦い Battle of Okehazama

永禄3年 1560年5月


駿河、遠江、三河の3国を支配下に置く 今川家当主 今川義元は
北の武田家、東の北条家と 三国同盟 を結び 西の尾張を一気に征圧する方針を固める
対して 尾張を統一したばかりの織田家当主 織田信長は

まさに、織田家が不安定なうちに尾張を平らげておきたい 今川義元は


The era was the mid-Sengoku period
Eiroku 3 years May 1560
This was the year after Nobunaga Oda, who was called "Utsuki", settled Owari Kuni.

The stage of the battle introduced this time
Mt. Okezama, which spans the border between Owari and Mikawa countries, present-day Nagoya city and Toyoake city, and surrounding castles and castles
It was at the forefront where the Oda family, who wanted to protect Owari, and the Imagawa family, who had grown from Nishimikawa to Owari, collided.

Yoshimoto Imakawa, the head of the Imagawa family, who controls the three countries of Suruga, Omi, and Mikawa
Takeda family in the north and Hojo family in the east form a trilateral alliance and consolidate a policy to conquer Owari in the west
On the other hand, Nobunaga Oda, the head of the Oda family who just unified Owari
The relationship of trust with the vassals and influential Australians was weak, and it was not possible to collect enough force to deal with the large army.

Indeed, I want to keep Owari flat while the Oda family is unstable.
May 12, 1560
Depart for Owari with a large army of 25,000
"Battle between Okeza"
7 days before the battle called


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