What is DALI protocol?

Описание к видео What is DALI protocol?

In this video we will talk about the DALI protocol - one of the most modern and efficient ways to control lighting. We will tell you how it came to be, what its features and advantages are, and show you how to build a lighting system based on it.

DALI was developed in the 90s as an alternative to outdated analog protocols. Its main idea is to provide a more flexible and economical way to control light.

One of the features of DALI is the ability to create lighting scenarios. You can set lights to turn on and off automatically, change brightness, temperature and color depending on time of day, light levels and other factors.

DALI is the most functional, convenient and reliable way to realize smart lighting control.

0:10 - What is DALI?
0:22 - The history of the DALI protocol
0:45 - Digital Illumination Interface Alliance
01:13 - Building a DALI lighting network
02:31 - DALI device types
03:49 - DALI Commands
04:48 - DALI-2
05:00 - DALI System Benefits
06:43 - DALI protocol training

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