Liking “girly” things as a trans guy

Описание к видео Liking “girly” things as a trans guy

The vice versa of this applies to trans women as well - you can like "manly" things as a trans woman. That doesn't immediately negate you of being a woman.

When I first came out, I felt the need to push my masculinity to the extreme. And for awhile that did help a lot with dysphoria because I didn't pass as a guy yet. Doing things like working out, deepening my voice, and holding the door open for others made me feel good. I now not only pass as male, but also don't feel the need to be hypermasculine. Of course I still am male and still enjoy doing what others consider "manly" things, but I also won't change that I enjoy baking just because people think that makes me less male. I'm just being my quirky self - a trans guy who likes to bake, animate, and go hiking.

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