Dora The Explorer: World Adventure (2006, PC) - Videogame Longplay

Описание к видео Dora The Explorer: World Adventure (2006, PC) - Videogame Longplay

In Dora the Explorer: World Adventure it's coming up to World Friendship day and Swiper has mistakenly taken Friendship bracelets from all over the world! Dora needs Swiper's help and the player's to search the world (well really just France, Tanzania, Russia, and China but the game is for the very young), find the bracelets, and save the day. The game follows the format of other Dora the Explorer games. As the player completes a puzzle or task a sticker or a postcard is placed in their book, this marks progress and encourages the player to continue.

This is an edutainment game which, the packaging claims, can help children learn about:
World Geography, Countries and Cultures
Different Languages
Motor Skills
Matching, Sorting, & Patterning
Colours and Shapes
Problem Solving
Visual Identification Skills The Value of Friendship
Plus a little Spanish too!


Installer Developed By Jim Carter at Frigid Dog Entertainment


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Manager of Quality Assurance
Jason Lembcke

Supervisor of Quality Assurance
Rasheem Harris

QA Lead
Paul Ference

QA Team
Matt Reese
Bob Paterson
Dean Fingerholz
Madison Meahyen
Thanuvong Yang
Jeremy Huisheere
Jeremy Andresen
Kyle Kleven
Justin Westplate
Adam Rogers
Stephen Crayton
Andy Owen
Nate Tyley
Brandon Gingerich
Tim Herzog
Par Widlund
Dan Gniady
Jordan Jaap
John Hart
Denis Molloy
Doua Xiong
Tyler Neubauer
Justyn Christensen
Michael Berg
Chris Barrett
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Cory Thibado

TRG QA Manager
Chad Schilling

Technical Requirements Group
Jon Pho
Steve Myers
Matt McCullough

Sales Director
Jennifer Mirabelli

Sales/Marketing Coordinator
Robbin Livernois

Sales Assistant
Brynja Bjarnason

Senior Graphic Artist
Trevor Harveaux

Graphic Artist
Sean James

Senior Brand and Licensing Manager
Andy Koehler

Director of Operations and Planning
Mike Groshens

Information Systems Administrator
Bob Viau

Jason Anderson
Ann Beggs
Rachel Bongaarts
Mike Dalton
Carlos Martin
Jeff Muench
Kurt Niederloh
Chris Owen
Janet Paulsen
Mike Roska
Aaron M. Thompson
Steve Williams
Brian Kuyath


Executive Producers
Guy Boucher
Richard Vallerand

Michael Blais

Karen Poulin

Game Designer
Karen Poulin

Art Director
Valérie Morency

Lead Programmer
Samuel Jobin

Background Artists
Valérie Morency
Alain Matte
Jacques Hébert

Samuel Jobin
Daniel Lefebvre
Raphael Riel
Abdelmadjid Hammou

Tommy Perron
Patrick Jacques
Daniel Voyer-Lessard
Benoit Dubois

Sound Designers
Stéphane Arsenault
Gilles Léveillé

Script Editor
Neil Philip

Nickelodeon Digital

Executive Vice President
Steve Youngwood

Vice President
Paul Jelinek

Executive Producers
Shaul Olmert
Doug Vance

Director, Games Development
David Bergantino

Sr. Producer
Rob Lemon

Nickelodeon Digital Marketing

Vice President, Marketing
Stacey Kaufman

Marketing Manager
Jack Daley

Nickelodeon Creative Resources

Sr. Content Manager/Copywriter
Brian Bromberg

Special thanks to:

Chris Gifford
Valerie Walsh
Helena Uszac
Christine Ricci
Cathy Galeota
Teri Weiss
Brown Johnson
Janice Burgess
Marc Amiel
Jason Viers
Noelle Romano
Katie McWane
Leslie Zaslower
Michelle Levitt
Antonious Porch
Yaacov Barselah
Jurine Hollis
Goldie Sisoyev

#Dora #Children #Learning  



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