浮技 & 横分 / Uki-waza & Yoko-wakare

Описание к видео 浮技 & 横分 / Uki-waza & Yoko-wakare

【講道館 YouTube公式チャンネル/ KODOKAN Official YouTube Channel】
技の相違点 / Description on differences between closely resembled Waza
浮技 & 横分 / Uki-waza & Yoko-wakare

<浮技(うきわざ) / Uki-waza>
相手を右前方に崩し、左脚を伸ばして相手の右足外側へ出して体を左向きに捨て、回転させて投げる技 /
A technique to throw down the opponent by breaking his balance right-forward and stretching the left leg to put it on the outside of his right foot while laying down the body onto the left side and rotating him.

<横分(よこわかれ) / Yoko-wakare>
相手を前方に崩し、両足を相手の右足外側へ踏み込んで体を左向きに捨て、体越しに回転させて投げる技 /
A technique to throw down the opponent by breaking his balance forward and stepping both feet onto the outside of his right foot while laying down the body onto the left side and rotating him over the body.

#講道館 #柔道 #技
#Kodokan #Judo #Waza


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