Introvert Problems

Описание к видео Introvert Problems

In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk with Jenn Granneman of Introvert, Dear about introvert problems and some of the unique struggles they face. |


We live in the most over-communicated time period in history.
There are challenges introverts face.
Introverts are unready for conversations because they need to gather their thoughts first.
Introverts need to get alone time and recharge after socializing for too long.
Introvert, Dear – is a community and blog for introverts and highly sensitive people.
What’s the science behind why introverts feel challenges? What are the challenges introverts are experiencing and what’s the science behind those challenges?
Word retrieval. Happens when you’re looking for just the right word to communicate your thoughts. Introverts tend to use long-term memory and (using a longer pathway to their brain than extroverts do). Extroverts rely more on working memory (short-term memory).
Give yourself permission to collect your thoughts, relax and try to make yourself feel as comfortable as you can (even let you mind wander in the moment).
In general, Introverts don’t feel understood by the people around them. There’s a real need for introverts to be understood.
A lot of Introverts carry an emotional baggage.
Alone time for introverts – how helpful and necessary is alone time for introverts? Alone time gives introverts the energy to face the outside again.
Getting enough extraverted time – Have a good balance of alone time and extraverted time, making sure that you don’t shut yourself away from the outside world.
Take ownership of your needs. Set proper expectations with the people who you know.
It may be challenging especially if there are a lot of people who rely on your presence but remember that before you can help other, you need to help yourself first and attend to your needs.
All introverts need something slightly different. The more resistance you get from the outside world, the more you need to fight for your right to do that.
Checkout out Introvert, Dear’s Facebook group and website.


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