Gasteiner Heilstollen | Heilkraft der Alpen | Healing Power of the Alps

Описание к видео Gasteiner Heilstollen | Heilkraft der Alpen | Healing Power of the Alps

When you visit the Gastein valley, don't miss the Gasteiner Heilstollen (Gastein Healing Gallery). Its healing effects are scientifically proven. As part of the international symposium Healing Power of the Alps we will visit the Healing Gallery and you will find out about its health benefits. Don't miss this event and register today at The third symposium Healing Power of the Alps, taking place in Bad Hofgastein in the region Salzburger Land on 8th and 9th October 2021, will focus on nature-based and health-promoting tourism. The overarching goal is to position the Alpine region as a globally attractive health destination with a vibrant regional economy, especially in the context of the pandemic. Organizers are ITG – Innovation Service for Salzburg, Paracelsus Medical University (PMU), Platform Heilkraft der Alpen (HDA) and Alpine Network of Protected Areas (ALPARC). For the first time, the symposium will take place as a joint international initiative of the entire Alpine region.


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