Complex Business Litigation Court Orange County Florida

Описание к видео Complex Business Litigation Court Orange County Florida (Winter Park, Florida) Attorney Roddy Lanigan talks about business litigation in Orange County Florida Complex Business Court.

There are two divisions in the Ninth Circuit Court in Orlando. Cases include business disputes of a complex and intricate nature:

Business disputes
Insurance disputes
Securities issues
Joint Venture disagreements
Disagreements between LLC members

It requires experience with business structure, professional licensing, banking and finance matters.

This is more akin to Federal Court procedures done based on the papers filed with the courts and the legal briefs filed by the parties.

In regular state court, motions are filed and hearings are held. Business court decisions are made on the papers filed by the lawyers and the legal acumen of the lawyers writing the briefs.

Most complex business court lawyers have litigation experience in wide commercial character in a broad range of business and commercial matters.

The cases are heavily based on papers -- the legal briefs filed by the lawyers filed vs. arguments in court.

A corporate attorney since 2007 Roddy Lanigan has experience in:
Business and civil litigation
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Real estate litigation and transactions
Mortgage workouts
White collar crime
White collar appeals
Asset protection
Corporate reorganization.

To set an appointment call 407-740-7379 to meet at his 831 W. Morse Blvd., (Winter Park Florida) office.


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