Working Bees in South Georgia with Seth Hill | What a day!!!

Описание к видео Working Bees in South Georgia with Seth Hill | What a day!!!

I had the incredible opportunity to spend an entire day in South Georgia working alongside and learning from Seth Hill. I learned how to make fast and efficient splits and had a great time doing it. Seth works for Bob Binnie and has started his own sideliner beekeeping business. He is an impressive young man. He has so much positive energy. Such a magnetic personality. One of those high energy guys whose motor never stops. He is one of the rising young stars in the beekeeping world. He also has a YouTube channel that is gaining traction fast ‪@sethhillABR‬ .

This was such a great day. I hope you enjoy the video and then check out Seth's video as well. Here is a link to his video:

   • Splitting Colonies for Queen production  

Check out Seth's channel ‪@sethhillABR‬
Check out this channel ‪@brucesbees‬
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