Bring Gobi Home Pupdate 22nd October 2016

Описание к видео Bring Gobi Home Pupdate 22nd October 2016

Pupdate Bring Gobi Home - keep up to date on all the news.
Transcript below:
We are now about 3 weeks after the operation and Gobi is doing really well. She is coming to show you her leg, the stitching has been removed and its coming along really nicely, she’s walking on it well.
The head as you can see is still recovering from that dent in but the hair is growing back so I think that will be only a matter of time before that covers it up and there shouldn’t be any issues with that going forward the same with the leg as well it will take a bit of time for that to grow back but then its going to be all go from there.
And as you can see the wound on her head, which is clean, it’s not sore or anything just needing the hair to grow back and should heal up quite nicely and won’t be seen at all. Hey get out of that! So back to our walk, come on, let’s go.
So Gobi and I are slowly getting back into the running. The movement in her leg is really good, she loves chasing the birds…hence the need for the leash still (laughs). You can’t catch them, hey, can you? Come on. Let’s go.
So it’s really good to actually be out running with her again. Its a question we get asked a lot is when do you think Gobi will be able to go running with you again and I think when we get back to Scotland we will be able to do some small 5 or 10 km races, her desert days are over I keep telling people but never say never with Gobi.
Gobi’s blood test was on the 1st of October so hopefully we will have some results towards the end of the month, that will just give us an indication of the tier test and where we are actually at with levels and we can go from there with further testings and further shots if they’re necessary as well, but we are all pretty positive that things are going to be ok. As soon as we get some more news on that we will let you know.
Our announcement earlier in the week that the ‘Finding Gobi’ book will be published in June 2017 is really exciting news. Gobi is going to be such a great voice for all the stray dogs out there and we hope to be able to really get that message out to so many more people that haven’t heard about the story and really challenge people to look after stray dogs and really push the message of ‘Adopt Don’t Shop’ and a little bit more within that part of things as well.
Gobi and I actually pretty busy over the next few weeks, we’ve got plenty things happening over here for charity and we are also looking to donate some of the funds from the ‘Bring Gobi Home’ crowdfunding page to an organisation out here as well. We’re working on something behind the scenes in Urumqi and that’s going to take a little bit longer and that’s where we will be putting 10% of our own book sale money back into that as well going forward and we’ll try and keep that going into years to come as well.
It’s a really important point that I just wanted to make not that as well, everything that we are doing is going to have that link back to the ‘Adopt Don’t Shop’ messaging and our own foundation that we are looking to set up as well or charity donations with other organisations across the same sort of platforms we are looking to work on as well. Everything that we do will have that link back, we will not be selling anything or merchandising anything that doesn’t have a link back to a wider cause and I just wanted everyone to be aware of the fact that that’s very important to us as well.
In the next few weeks Lucja will be coming out here as well meeting Gobi which will be amazing and she’s also going to hopefully be out here for Xmas which is great, someones offered to fly her out here for Xmas so I’m not out here on my own which is going to be really cool as well. We are really looking forward to that.
That’s all from Gobi and I at the moment, thank you very much for all of your support and messages and everything that’s happening on social media and everything you guys are doing to support us; we really do appreciate it and it’s been phenomenal as always. Thanks guys, keep in touch and Gobi and I look forward to chatting to you again soon. Say Goodbye (talking to Gobi).


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