1975 What is Word Processing? Vintage Computer History, Educational, IBM, Astrotype

Описание к видео 1975 What is Word Processing? Vintage Computer History, Educational, IBM, Astrotype

The following is an original 1975 film describing WORD PROCESSING, showing many early word processing computers. This restored educational film explains the benefits of word processing, shows the IBM Selectric Typewriter, the (Rare) ICS Astrotype word processing system (with LINC type drives), IBM Selectric Composer, IBM Mag Card II, IBM MT/ST tape reels, a rare REDACTRON System cassette, LEXITRON and others. - Nice vintage look and feel & good overview. Rescued from an old 16mm film. Provided for historical & editorial comment only. Comments are welcome. ~ Hope you enjoy this vintage classic. Uploaded by the Computer History Archives Project.


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