2 HOUR STUDY WITH ME-Study on a Rainy Day🌧Pomodoro 50/10,Christmas Edition 🌲Study with Zaide

Описание к видео 2 HOUR STUDY WITH ME-Study on a Rainy Day🌧Pomodoro 50/10,Christmas Edition 🌲Study with Zaide

#studywithme #studyathome #pomodoro #studywithyoya
Hi Everyone!Hope this sessıon will help your study.Thank you for joining me today.I graduated from theology faculty.I want to make a master's ın sociology of religion.So I study to lessons of sociology of religion and language exam for master's.
✍️What are you studying and where are you joınıng from?Write ın the comments below!

Study method:50 min study/10 min break


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