Position of Compliance Officer: Analysing 'one level below the board'

Описание к видео Position of Compliance Officer: Analysing 'one level below the board'

With the enforcement of recent amendments in LODR Regulations effective December 12, 2024, a qualified company secretary appointed as a Compliance Officer is required to be an officer, who is in whole-time employment of the listed entity, not more than one level below the board of directors, designated as a Key Managerial Personnel (‘KMP’) and form part of senior management. Listed entities now face the question of whether this entails a re-look at the organisation structure, hierarchy, profile of the Compliance Officer? Whether the board of directors needs to be sensitised of this requirement and the impact, if any? We discuss the same in this short video.

Our detailed analysis of the same can be read at: https://vinodkothari.com/2024/12/perc...

A brief write-up on the other amendments under LODR 3rd Amendment Regulations can be accessed at: https://vinodkothari.com/2024/12/the-...

Our presentation on the amendments can be accessed at: https://vinodkothari.com/2024/12/pres...


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