Flutter & Supabase (Open-Source Firebase Alternative) - Lets get started

Описание к видео Flutter & Supabase (Open-Source Firebase Alternative) - Lets get started

Follow me on Twitter @alantn91 Flutter & Supabase Let's get started - Part 1

See Authentication part 2:    • Flutter & Supabase (Open-Source Fireb...  

Follow along on GitHub at https://github.com/atnegrete/flutter-...
I will create a branch at the end of each video as a "checkpoint".

We'll be exploring Flutter and Supabase, integrating with their API, real-time, storage, and Authentication alternatives to Firebase. Don't get me wrong, I love Firebase as much as the next guy, but something about an open-source solution, that uses an actual SQL relational database (postgresql) just makes me very happy! No more very expensive queries with Firestore that a fancy optimized set of SQL joins into a view can't solve.

The idea:
We'll ride along for a few initial videos to setup our project and configuration. We can then move on to integrating real-time features along with basic Authentication with Subapase. After that, we can pick topics we want to explore, features or packages we want to try out, or even creating custom widgets together (maybe live coding later)!

Join along for the ride, and let's see where we end up! :)

- Checkout Supabase-
Their website: Supabase.io
GitHub repo: https://github.com/supabase/supabase


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