Video of 5th gen. Surrogate Training Aircraft (5STA) - A STA is born ... 5STA!

Описание к видео Video of 5th gen. Surrogate Training Aircraft (5STA) - A STA is born ... 5STA!

A STA is born.......5STA!

Meticulous planning, flawless execution, success! Congratulations to the team on the first flight of our 5th gen. Surrogate Training Aircraft (5STA). It has been a long road with many hurdles, but the International Test Pilots School (ITPS) team kept the faith and it has borne fruit.

ITPS now operates a transonic jet fighter trainer with a 5th gen. Human Machine Interface (HMI), Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) and Live Virtual Constructive Training (LVCT) through datalink. Over the coming months, we will develop it to its full capabilities! Well done team! We can justifiably be proud of this achievement!


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