Old 70's /80 "'सुनहरी-यादें ।।*****Indian TV Ads on Doordarshan - PART-4**** Best Indian TV Ads 🎞️ 📺

Описание к видео Old 70's /80 "'सुनहरी-यादें ।।*****Indian TV Ads on Doordarshan - PART-4**** Best Indian TV Ads 🎞️ 📺

Old 70's /80'*****Indian TV Ads on Doordarshan - PART-4**** Best Iconic Indian TV Ads

Loved the vintage ads on Doordarshan? Here is a collection of the best of Indians ads from that era. Tevision commercials managed to grab people’s attention. These ads from the 90s will make you remember the glorious days of Doordarshan. The Indian economy opened itself to a wider market in the 90s and this reflected in the advertisements of the decade.
The 90s was a time every Indian household was hooked to the television and advertisements focused on economic mobility of the middle class.
The most common themes of these advertisements were the newly liberated Indian female, family, and rebellious kids.

This list of iconic advertisements will take you down the memory lane that every 90s kid grew up watching. Feels very nostalgic...to watch these awesome Ads...in 21st century...All children of 90's had awesome childhood..!!Cheers..buddies..!! The 90s in India was a time of change. The country's population did away with old ways of living and ushered in changes that were palpable in their everyday life. This was a time when every family could own a scooter, drive a Maruti 800, huddle in front of the television and most importantly, live a life they never really dreamt of.

In the 90s, the Indian middle class was economically mobile, the quality of life had changed and with it, new identities were formed. This was reflected in the advertisements of the decade as well.

The consumer market packaged a dream of economic independence, freedom of choice, individuality and ambition that was uniquely Indian. And anyone who grew up watching Doordarshan would say that their eyes widened with hope as they watched Preity Zinta dance in a Liril ad or make travel plans while watching the Hamara Bajaj ad.

#oldtvads #90sIndia #DoordarshanNostalgia #ads #awesome

90 के दशक में, दूरदर्शन सभी मनोरंजन के लिए अंतिम गंतव्य था और रंगीन टेलीविजन ने भारतीय मध्यम वर्ग के घरों में अपनी जगह बनाना शुरू कर दिया था। आपको अपने पसंदीदा कार्यक्रम को देखने में जितना मज़ा आया, उससे कहीं अधिक आप फिलर्स के रूप में आने वाले विज्ञापनों की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे। यदि आप भारत में 90 के दशक में पले-बढ़े हैं, तो आपको उन शानदार विज्ञापनों में से हर एक के साथ गुनगुनाते हुए याद होगा! मेमोरी लेन को और नीचे ले जाने के लिए, यहां 100+ प्रतिष्ठित भारतीय विज्ञापन हैं जो प्रत्येक भारतीय बच्चे के लिए 90 के दशक को परिभाषित करते हैं।


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