What does my DNA test say?? Am I BHUTANESE??

Описание к видео What does my DNA test say?? Am I BHUTANESE??

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I often get asked where I'm from, so I wanted to share with the world about my country Bhutan. A small himalayan kingdom nestled in between two giants, China and India. In today's video, I'm sharing my DNA results and explore where the ancestors of Bhutanese people/race might be from.
The 4 main ethnic groups in Bhutan are:1. Ngalops (western and northern Bhutan)2. Sharchops (eastern Bhutan)3. Lhotsampa (southern Bhutan)4. Indigenous/ tribal people ( Doya, Merak Sakten, Layap. etc)
what does my DNA say? Am I really Bhutanese? Are there any Skeletons in my family's closet? OR am I adopted??What this till the end to find out..

Who am I :My name is jamjam, and I'm a Bhutanese vlogger. Check out my other videos on Bhutan.


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