Fujinon W 180mm Seiko & Copal Shutter Version Lens Comparison

Описание к видео Fujinon W 180mm Seiko & Copal Shutter Version Lens Comparison

George Best, the first celebrity rock-star footballer, once said "I spent a lot of money on booze, birds, and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.” I aspire to this, but with camera equipment.

Thus I ended up with two Fujinon W 180mm f5.6 lenses, both early single-coated versions, one in a Seiko shutter and one in a Copal. I assumed they were optically identical but close examination shows they are not. This video is a quick comparison of the two lenses to identify what practical differences they have, and which would be better for 8x10 large format photography.


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