River Journey song geography

Описание к видео River Journey song geography

Song about rivers for Geography Key Stage 3, GCSE, and A level
Rivers are flowing in constant motion down from the mountains into the ocean, the river gets faster, wider, deeper,
The profile is more flat not steeper
On the top of the river or the upper course,
The start of the river is called the source,
Conditions up here are cold wet and marshy
The water starts flowing in small tributaries,
The sides are steep and the river is narrow
There's not much water so the river is shallow,
The river cuts down or vertically
The result of this are V shaped valleys
Another upper feature is a waterfall
Hard rock meets soft rock deep and tall
Hard rock remains soft rock erodes
A deep plunge pool forms down below
Rivers are flowing in constant motion
Down from the mountains into the ocean
The river gets faster, wider, deeper
The profile is more flat not steeper
In the middle course the river gets fatter
And the river profile keeps getting flatter
The river channel starts to twist and turn
Meander is the bend this term you need to learn
The beach forms on meander inside
The load is dropped as the river gets tired
The process of dropping is called deposition
The load it drops is called alluvium
On the outside meander is fast and deep
A cliff forms here it's tall and steep
The river goes fastest way always straight
The river gets cut to an ox bow lake
Rivers are flowing in constant motion
Down from the mountains into the ocean
The river gets faster, wider, deeper
The profile is more flat not steeper
In the lower course the river is deeper wider still
The land is flat there are no hills
The river will flood when there's lots of rain
This widespread feature is called a floodplain
As the river winds towards the sea
The tidal area is an estuary
The mouth of the river is where it ends
Water into the ocean the river sends
This is where it ends


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