Can AI Write a Human-Sounding Article? | [Honest] Best AI Text Generation Tools Review

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Look, we've all heard about the best AI text generation tools. We all feel the rumblings that robots are coming for our jobs. Maybe we've even tried one or two of the best AI text generation tools, hoping to make our lives a little easier one day.

Maybe you've WANTED to try one of the "best AI text generation tools" but then it asks you for your credit card and you're worried you'll forget to cancel the trial and $29 is a lot of money nowadays.

No matter what your question, if you want to know about the best AI text generation tools out there today, you've come to the right place.

I tested: JASPER.AI, COPY.AI, ARTICLE FORGE, and RYTR. I asked them each to write an article on "boredom vs burnout" and to draft a short fiction story about Della, a human girl, and Nedward, a glamorous vampire.

I tested them for:
Ease of use. How easy was this ai text generation tool to use?
Versatility. Could it do more than one thing?
Quality. These all claim to be the "best' AI text generation tool. What was the truth?

My conclusion: was the best, but all four were terrible. Seriously, I don't know of any qualified writer who is successfully relying on one of the alleged best AI text generation tools to write articles. These four ain't it. Save your $29 and save your time. The articles and fictional stories were borderline unreadable.

*Sponsor stuff*
This video was sponsored by Hands Off Publishing ( If you want to get quality (read: reads like it was written by a human, not a robot) articles at reasonable prices, they're your team.

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