Visit Scotland: Five Things To Love & Hate about Visiting Scotland

Описание к видео Visit Scotland: Five Things To Love & Hate about Visiting Scotland

Want to visit Scotland? Don't know what to expect? We at Wolter's World want to help you out with our love and hate list about Scotland. We will give you information about the MUST DO'S when you're there, and the not-so-nice things you should be prepared for to make your trip more enjoyable!

Check out our lists for what's covered in the video!

Love about Scotland
1. People.
2. Castles.
3. Landscape.
4. Distilleries.
5. Hiking/Golfing in Scotland.

Hate about Scotland.
1. Shops close at 6PM.
2. Requires higher budget.
3. How to find accommodation.
4. Limited Public Transport, so you have to drive.
5. Weather.

Filmed in Donan, Scotland by Mark Wolters for Wolters World


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