Digimon Digi-Battle: Series 2 - Booster Box Opening

Описание к видео Digimon Digi-Battle: Series 2 - Booster Box Opening

The Digimon Digi-Battle Series 2 set contains 54 Trading Cards to collect!
Every pack holds 8 cards, with 6 commons, 2 uncommons and 1 rare.

Series 2 also holds 3 holofoil cards; the powerful Machinedramon, the cunning Puppetmon and the fast AeroVeedramon!

There's also 3 Gold Letter cards in the Digi-Battle series 2 set; with characters we all know and love, such as Gatomon, MetalGreymon and Myotismon!

Note: both Digi Battle series 1 and series 2 got an alternative print. These hold alternative holo cards from the Digimon starter deck.
They can be recognized by a coloured line at the sides of the box and a stamp stating what cards are included (6 different cards per print).
For series 1, the coloured line of the alt set is green (instead of blue) while the Digi-Battle series 2 is yellow or orange.

This is something I only found out after making this video, as there is still a big mystery about these later prints, and what cards were included in what box.

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