Points Review: Heart Channel Acupuncture Meridian

Описание к видео Points Review: Heart Channel Acupuncture Meridian

An overview of the Hand Shao Yin Heart meridian for Acupuncture Channels and Points. This is a study guide and review for students and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. It may also be useful for NCCAOM exam preparation or CALE board prep.

⚠️: This video is intended as an educational review for students who are currently enrolled in an accredited school of traditional Chinese medicine. If you are not currently studying under a licensed practitioner, then this video is NOT FOR YOU. Please do not attempt to self-diagnose or self-treat based on this video.

0:00 Heart Functions
5:47 Channel Pathways
11:16 Point Functions

🗒 Heart Channel notes: http://tcmstudy.net/acupuncture.php
📝 Heart Channel practice test: http://tcmstudy.net/test/heart-channel
📍 Heart Channel Point Location video: http://tcmstudy.net/video/heart-point...

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LI Channel:    • Points Review: Large Intestine Channe...  
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Spleen Channel:    • Points Review: Spleen Channel Acupunc...  
= Heart Channel:    • Points Review: Heart Channel Acupunct...  
SI Channel:    • Points Review: Small Intestine Channe...  


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Nicholas Duchnowski
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Disclaimer: This video is intended as an educational resource for students of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is not affiliated with or endorsed by any school or licensing board. The information presented here should not be used to self-diagnose or treat any medical condition and is not a substitute for advice from a qualified healthcare practitioner.


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