Cryonics Research Pitches - Global Cryonics Summit 2024

Описание к видео Cryonics Research Pitches - Global Cryonics Summit 2024

Researchers pitched in front of a panel of Cryonics investors at the Global Cryonics Summit 2024 in Miami, FL. Timestamps of the speaker and the title of their research proposals follows:

00:30 Regina Monaca - Closing in on Proof of Memory Retention Post Cryopreservation / Preservation of Training in Cryopreserved and Revived Neural Systems

14:40 Ramon Risco - “Back to Life with Ultrasounds”: A Company for the Recovery of Cryopreserved Samples based on Focused Ultrasound Rewarming (MRIgHIFU)

28:09 Ralph Spindler - Effect of vitrification on rabbit memory

41:20 Borys Wrobel - Preservation of large mammalian brains* at connectomic quality


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