【Career Talk Series 2024】職涯講座|美國生醫舞台:跨領域新進角逐學界之經驗談

Описание к видео 【Career Talk Series 2024】職涯講座|美國生醫舞台:跨領域新進角逐學界之經驗談

  美國生醫學界競爭激烈,尤其在求職時更是挑戰重重!沒有美國學歷能否順利找到教職?沒自帶研究經費會不會讓求職變得困難重重?如果您對這些問題心有疑惑,或正在猶豫是否投身學界成為 faculty,這場活動不容錯過!
  我們榮幸邀請到在 Stanford University 的 Danny 以及 University of Pittsburgh 的 Chris。他們分別來自 wet lab 和 dry lab,具備跨領域背景,在生醫研究方面各有所長。活動中,兩位講者將分享他們決定投身學界的契機、求職前的準備與策略、面試過程中的挑戰,以及成為教授後的日常工作點滴。

周宏杰(Danny Chou)
Danny Chou is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Endocrinology and Diabetes) at Stanford University. He received his PhD from Harvard University, working in the lab of Prof. Stuart Schreiber. His Ph.D. research involved the identification of suppressors of cytokine-induced apoptosis in pancreatic beta cells. He then moved to MIT, where he was a JDRF Postdoctoral Fellow in Department of Chemical Engineering. He worked under the guidance of Profs. Robert Langer and Daniel Anderson, focusing on the development of glucose-responsive insulin derivatives. Danny started his independent career in Department of Biochemistry at University of Utah in August, 2014. At Utah, Danny's research focused on protein and peptide therapeutics for the treatment in Type 1 Diabetes and other human diseases. In 2020, Danny moved his research lab to Stanford University to continue their efforts in developing novel insulin therapeutics. His laboratory has received funding support from NIH, DoD, JDRF and American Diabetes Association. Danny has received recognitions including an American Peptide Society Early Career Lectureship, Boulder Peptide Society Young Investigator Award, JDRF Career Development Award, Vertex Scholar, JDRF Postdoctoral Fellow and ADA Junior Faculty Award.

邱鈺喬(Yu-Chiao (Chris) Chiu)
Dr. Yu-Chiao (Chris) Chiu is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Medicine, Department of Computational and Systems Biology, and the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center at the University of Pittsburgh. His research interests include bioinformatics, machine learning, cancer genomics, and pharmacogenomics. The goal of his laboratory is to systematically model genomics and pharmacogenomics to gain a better understanding of cancer biology and improve cancer therapy. Dr. Chiu has been honored with the prestigious NIH/NCI K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award and the NIH/NIGMS R35 Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) for his work in developing deep learning methods to predict the responses of cancer cells to treatments. Furthermore, he has received research grants from the Fund for Innovation in Cancer Informatics, the Pittsburgh Liver Research Center, and the Leukemia Research foundation. To date, Dr. Chiu has published over 100 journal articles and conference articles/abstracts.


周宏杰(Danny Chou):醫藥衛生及社會福利領域
邱鈺喬(Yu-Chiao Chiu):資訊通訊科技領域、醫藥衛生及社會福利領域

周宏杰(Danny Chou):化學生物學,蛋白質化學
邱鈺喬(Yu-Chiao Chiu):生物資訊、精準醫療、人工智慧、癌症

關鍵字(Keywords):#化學生物學 #蛋白質化學 #精準醫療 #旅外學者 #職涯分享 #生醫 #Tyra #chemicalbiology #protein #precisionmedicine #cancer

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