Cvc|Words|high frequency words|reading words with phonics|cvc for kids|LKG,UKG primary school

Описание к видео Cvc|Words|high frequency words|reading words with phonics|cvc for kids|LKG,UKG primary school

Learn English alphabets, phonics, sounds, words practice, writing. Learn about basic English alphabets reading writting phonics sounds words with pictures in marathi language
All English words reading practice
   • Learn English alphabets, phonics, sou...  

“Marathi mi”

ह्या माझ्या चॅनेल ला subscribe करून, लहान मुलांसाठी उपयोगी ठरणारे Video बघा आवडल्यास like नक्की करा 🙏

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अंकगणित, संख्या, आकडे, mathematics
   • अंकगणित|गणित|basic mathematics  

Best marathi videos
   • नॅ ची चौदाखडी|Semi English barakhadi|...  Marathi

English dictionary with pictures
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English grammer with marathi
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Marathi Mulakshare with English spelling
   • semi English Mulakshare marathi|मुळाक...  

दीर्घ विलान्टी शब्द वाचन
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मराठी बाराखडी, चौदाखडी शब्द वाचन
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Barakhadi and chaudakhadi
   • Marathi barakhadi chaudakhadi english...  

Varnmala primary education
   • Learn marathi mulakshare spelling, मा...  

English and Marathi words
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English Punctuations with marathi
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Basic learning video
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Marathi vaachan sarav गोष्ट
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सोपी वाक्य
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Marathi jod shabd
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र चे जोडअक्षरे jodakshar
   • jodakshar, jodakshare,jod shabd, jod ...  

अंक, अंकगणित, बेरीज, numbers
   • अंकगणित|गणित|basic mathematics  

Learn about clock, watch, घड्याळ and time-:
   • Learn Clock|watch|time|घड्याळ  

All about abacus math-:
   • Плейлист  

Easy learning with songs for kids    • Easy learning with songs for kids  

English four letters words|English reading words with phonics|cvc for kids|LKG,UKG primary school

#wordsEnglish #fourletterswords #readingwords #phonics #cvcforkids #cvc #primaryschool #highfrequently


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