SPITFIRE WHEELS: Everything You Need to Know (shapes, sizes & durometers)

Описание к видео SPITFIRE WHEELS: Everything You Need to Know (shapes, sizes & durometers)

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Need a new set of skateboard wheels, but unsure of where to start?

Have your wheels been reduced to what is best described as a bunch of bearing covers, on a setup that looks straight out of the 90’s; or are you ‘that guy’ at the park with a board that sounds like a helicopter and gives you a foot massage every time you skate?

Spitfire is arguably the biggest name in skateboard wheels, and is a brand that dominates in all realms of skateboarding; at the park, in the bowl, and out in the streets.

They have three major types: the classics, formula fours, and the charger. All have different urethane compounds which make them better adapted to certain kinds of use.

Formula four is Spitfire’s most popular formula, with a variety of cuts and designs: the tablet, radial, radial slim, conical, conical full, classic, and the lock-in.


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