5 Hidden Dangers of Camping on BLM Land

Описание к видео 5 Hidden Dangers of Camping on BLM Land

Camping on BLM land and in national forests while boondocking in your RV is cheap/free and can put you closer to nature than pretty much anything else -- but it has a dark side and hidden dangers.

In today's video, RV nomad Page goes into these hidden dangers, recent community trends, and why they've made BLM camping unappealing to her in spite of the low cost and proximity to nature.

All of these are Page's honest opinions, so buckle up. 👍

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00:00 Intro
00:22 What Is BLM Land?
02:04 Aggressive Locals
02:42 Erratic Campers
03:24 Far From Emergency Services
03:37 Rough Roads
04:01 Hazardous Terrain
04:25 Women Going Missing
05:28 Discussion/Conclusion

Resources to learn more about BLM:

BLM's official website on Camping on Public Lands: https://www.blm.gov/programs/recreati...

Trip Savvy's guide to BLM camping: https://www.tripsavvy.com/guide-to-bl...

‪@HappilyEverHanks‬ video where they boondock on BLM land:    • RV Newbie Warning: The REAL Struggles...  

‪@CreativityRV‬ 's video on a boondocking nightmare affecting her planned rally:    • BOONDOCKING NIGHTMARE! We Tried to Ca...  

‪@AlyssaVanilla‬ 's harrowing video on being watched and confronted by a stranger while camping in her van in the desert:    • i was being watched (& i filmed the e...  


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