Alatreon Insect Glaive solo 5'03"15

Описание к видео Alatreon Insect Glaive solo 5'03"15

So close, yet so far. Not even sure if the few bad decisions like at 1:50, where I tried to reposition but missed the Descending Thrust follow-up, or at 4:30, where I just aimed it badly, even mattered for those 4 seconds needed to get sub 5.

His remaining HP could've been anywhere from 100 to the roughly 3000 I deal during Eschaton Judgement, but since he's getting HP-gated by Eschaton, knowing when he reached the 1 HP threshold for my Kinsect to deplete after Eschaton's HP gate subsided isn't feasible.

Also not sure if the cat's fire weapon mattered, but getting a para is inconsistent and the extra element thus far didn't feel bad to have. At this point me getting sub 5 without Heroics needs either the cat to consistently play the Attack buff, or me to play consistently without whiffing so much. Both pretty unlikely, but I can keep trying here and there. My video's bit rate is also still atrocious for some reason.


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