WBCS Prelims 2023 Solution I Explained in Bangla I

Описание к видео WBCS Prelims 2023 Solution I Explained in Bangla I

✓About This Video: WBCS Preliminary 2023 Previous Year Question and Answer.

✓Hi, this is Sahadat sir, and this channel is mainly focusing on the West Bengal Civil Service (WBCS) exam. But the classes are useful for the following exams too: UPSC Civil Service, WBPSC Misc, WBPSC Clerkship, WBPSC Food SI, Other WBPSC Exams, WB Police, Kolkata Police, SSC MTS, SSC CHSL, SSC CGL, SSC STENOGRAPHER, RBI, IBPS PO, and other various competitive examinations.

✓Hash: #wbcs #upsc #ssc #wbpsc #wbcsprelims #wbcsmains #wbcs2023 #wbcsprelims2023 #wbcssyllabus #wbcspattern #sahadatsir #insightcivilservice


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