Blur 2013 #28: Rageous All-Track Tour (Class A)

Описание к видео Blur 2013 #28: Rageous All-Track Tour (Class A)

After 3 1/2 years playing Blur competitively, I opted to decisively retire once and for all. To celebrate, I hosted a marathon 13-hour all-track tour, playing every track in the game through each class of cars. It took an average of 3 hours per class. We didn't set out to be overtly competitive and there were no restrictions (evidenced by ample decoys and troll tactics). Instead we wanted to simply celebrate a wonderfully fun game and have a good time.

This is the definitive collection for me: I felt it was just as important for people to see all the random, terrible, heart-stopping things that can happen to you during a race as there can be good lines and battles. Blur reveled in organized chaos -- its best drivers were always the ones who could perfectly balance clean and consistent driving with split-second tactical decision making. But nobody was truly safe from the worst luck or the most unfortunate accidents at the worst possible times.

I started this game in July of 2010, on PS3. I had it preordered, but had to cancel it because I couldn't afford it at launch. I had a beta key, but no 360. I gave it to a friend. I knew it would be good. It couldn't possibly not be good. That summer, I spent hundreds of hours racing with MURKINyou187, Eternalfox23, pal_pal_423, Conceptfly and Kurusaki-Ichigo (you know him now as FsU Kuru), who along with Giygas_ and Cloudman11224 came to dominate the PS3 scene. In October 2010, I bought the PC version to test the waters there. A year later, in October 2011, I bought a 360 exclusively for playing Blur. I joined 1NS and met many future friends there, flipped to DKU, and spent the bulk of my time co-leading one of the finest cohesive teams the game would ever see. My less successful venture LNC on PS3 wouldn't last more than a few months, but only because I was spending so much time on 360. We had a good group with enormous potential, and really the only team with the capability to challenge the Phantom team that would eventually become HOOLS.

In the end, my final couple years were plagued by lack of playing time. There were times where I'd go more than a month without firing up Blur, due to heavy working hours and personal commitments. Getting two hours of drive time per week was a good week for me, and any more than that was a bonus. As a result I doubt there's enough room for me in the list of all-time top drifters, but I will maintain that nobody else was as fast as me with as little time logged. Across all platforms and all screen names, I didn't even crack 10,000 total races. I was a hell of a front runner though, and will happily take partial credit for encouraging the brutality still seen in the PS3 scene today.

There will be four more videos from the All-Track Tour (B, C and D classes, and 1 Motor Mash), plus BetA SonatA's final No-Boost Tournament held last Sunday. I may do a montage or two after that, and that'll be the last of the Blur videos for this channel. I have both the PS4 and Xbox One on preorder, and will be shifting my focus to documenting all the things you guys want to know about them.

Thanks for watching.


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