Olive Stonefly Nymph

Описание к видео Olive Stonefly Nymph

This fly specifically imitates the Little Olive Stonefly that is found in many western rivers. It is also a good prospecting fly. The soft-hackled collar and tail are examples of how to use a gray Brahma Hen feather and an art marker to change the color for the fly. The Little Olive Stonefly has more movement built into it from the Hares’ Blend dubbing and some flash from the Holographic Tinsel in the ribbing. The peacock herl adds further contrast and complexity to the fly's overall appearance, resulting in a fly that looks more complicated than it really is. That is one of the secrets to the most effective fly patterns.

Shop Link: https://www.ebay.com/usr/softhacklefl...

Website: https://allenmcgee.blogspot.com/




End screen courtesy of Vecteezy.com


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