k0s by Mirantis: Lightweight K8s Distribution for Simplified Deployments on Any Infrastructure

Описание к видео k0s by Mirantis: Lightweight K8s Distribution for Simplified Deployments on Any Infrastructure

Learn more about k0s by Mirantis: https://k0sproject.io/
Check out k0smotron by Mirantis: https://k0smotron.io/

As Kubernetes dominates container orchestration, its complexity and resource demands drive interest in lighter weight alternatives. This Tech Talk, presented by Mirantis Labs, explores k0s, a CNCF-compliant Kubernetes distribution celebrated for its lightweight, easy-to-maintain design.

In this Talk, Gene Kuo, Technical Support Engineer for Mirantis will examine the k0s architecture, emphasizing its minimal dependencies and simplified management, which includes a super easy single-binary setup and installation process. Comparing k0s to other distributions like k3s and MicroK8s, this Talk will highlight its advantage across various deployment scenarios, from bare metal to the cloud (hybrid/multi, Public, and Private). We'll demonstrate why k0s offers a simpler, yet more functional approach to Kubernetes adoption, development, and operations.

Additionally, Gene will showcase k0smotron by Mirantis, which enables the creation of a Kubernetes control plane within a k0s cluster, facilitating seamless Kubernetes-as-a-Service (KaaS) all from a single point of control. This feature underscores k0s's capability to enhance scalability and management across diverse environments, including bare metal deployments as well as those at the edge and far edge. Additionally, Gene will demonstrate how to setup a multi-cluster Kubernetes deployment by integrating open source Cluster API (CAPI) with k0smotron, which enables users to easily control and scale both the multi-cluster deployment as well as the Kubernetes control planes all in a single pane of glass.

Check out this Tech Talk to learn how k0s and k0smotron by Mirantis can transform your Kubernetes experience, delivering increased agility and efficiency in the ever-evolving world of cloud native and Kubernetes - all while leveraging powerful, open source-based solutions.

Get started today with k0s: https://docs.k0sproject.io/stable/ins...
Star k0s project by Mirantis on GitHub: https://github.com/k0sproject/k0s
Star k0smotron by Mirantis on GitHub: https://github.com/k0sproject/k0smotron
Open Source Documentation - k0smotron by Mirantis: https://docs.k0smotron.io/stable/

If you are interested in more Tech Talks from the Mirantis Labs team, on demand recordings as well as upcoming presentations can be found at https://www.mirantis.com/labs/

If you would like more informational resources about Mirantis, our solutions & related areas of expertise, please check out our Resource Library: https://www.mirantis.com/resources/

#kubernetes #k8s #k0s #cloudnative #devops #containerization #opensourcesoftware #itinfrastructure #kubernetesdistro

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0:00 - Intro
0:54 - What this Tech Talk will cover
1:39 - Lightweight vs Vanilla Kubernetes
6:59 - k0s by Mirantis vs k3s vs MicroK8s
8:13 - Deep Dive: k0s by Mirantis
10:47 - Deep Dive: k3s by Rancher
11:50 - Deep Dive: MicroK8s by Canonical
13:13 - Which K8s Distro is right for you?
14:20 - k0smotron by Mirantis: K8s control plane & multi-cluster
19:16 - What the live demo will showcase
20:02 - Live Demo: CAPI deployment with k0smotron on OpenStack
23:47 - Limitations of k0smotron by Mirantis
25:48 - Back to the Demo
27:50 - Recapping the key takeaways from this Talk
28:38 - Resources: k0s & k0smotron
28:46 - Live Q&A: how to configure kubelet config in k0s API?
30:07 - Outro


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