Amazing Power Amplifier Class-D D2K Fullbridge build in SMD

Описание к видео Amazing Power Amplifier Class-D D2K Fullbridge build in SMD

$2 for 2-Layer PCBs & $7 for 4-Layer PCBs:

Ultra-High Power Amplifier Class-D Fullbridge D2K, the circuit designed by Mr.Kartino Surodipo.
This SMD version build for Subwoofer Amplifier can use 4x18" Speakers or 2x21" Speakers. High power output 2500W RMS at this version. 4 Ohm load, 90VDC Symmetrical Power Supply.

Build your own this amplifier by following this and see the public project at EasyEDA:

Sound test - Karigan Reggae Drummer:    • Видео  


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