The vessel F.V. COOK CANYON and Coasters get a quick tour.

Описание к видео The vessel F.V. COOK CANYON and Coasters get a quick tour.

The vessel F.V. COOK CANYON and Coasters get a quick tour.
We are shown around by owner Craig Jones, his daughter Amy Moore and get the chance to talk with some of the crew and its clear they love fishing and the opportunities it has bought each of them.

Craig Jones who along with wife Penny have been fishing off the Coast for 40 years and for the last 20 plus on The vessel F.V. COOK CANYON.

Craigs daughter Amy Moore from a pioneer Coast fishing family works to introduce Coasters to the West Coast Fishing industry and explains why fishing is a viable employment option for those about to leave school and those that are looking at a new direction. The Trades Academy programme will help you take the first step towards a career in an industry that’s helping keep New Zealand alive both financially and for protein.
Ring Amy Direct on 027-6967936 and think about what’s in it for you.
Vital industry health and safety
Essential communication skills including understanding fishing terminologies
How to follow important instructions on board a commercial fishing vessel
Skills for fixing fishing nets
Equipment repair and maintenance
Loading unloading and fish stacking skills
All can lead you to commercial fishing deckhand ,leading to supervisory and skipper jobs, fish processing, seafood retails and there are many more options.


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