AV Fundamentals 301: Digital Production BuZZ - 04. Interlaced vs. Progressive Video

Описание к видео AV Fundamentals 301: Digital Production BuZZ - 04. Interlaced vs. Progressive Video

Additional videos for this title: http://j.mp/P46k4C
A/V Fundamentals 301: Digital Production BuZZ by Larry Jordan
Video 4 of 56 for A/V Fundamentals 301: Digital Production BuZZ

Digital Video Production is a skill that takes time and practice to master. To help speed up your learning curve, we've hired Larry Jordan, a veteran video producer and educator, to show you his top tips & tricks for your video production workflow.

In this new tutorial you'll learn important skills like Picking the correct HD Video format for your productions, proper techniques for shooting HD Video, tips for recording great sound, lighting techniques, and much, much more.
More info on this title: http://j.mp/P46k4C


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