How To Remove Yellow Stains From Your Sneakers | The SIMPLEST and MOST EFFECTIVE Way

Описание к видео How To Remove Yellow Stains From Your Sneakers | The SIMPLEST and MOST EFFECTIVE Way

Clean your white sneakers using this method and never try other methods again. (I only tried this in white canvass sneakers so I have no idea if this will work on other materials.)

Washing white shoes usually causes yellow stains so I tried this method and it worked wonders for me:

1. Clean your shoes using water and soap (or a shoe cleaner) then let it dry for 12 hours.

2. Soak toilet paper with water then lay it flat all over your shoes.

3. Cover the entire shoe with dry toilet paper then let it dry for 12 hours. Doesn’t have to be under the sun, just wherever you feel comfortable putting it overnight.

4. Peel off toilet paper and spray with Crep Protect (optional) or other shoe sprays.

Thank you for watching!

Music: Cartoon - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi)


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