Managing cattle heat stress

Описание к видео Managing cattle heat stress

Heat stress can significantly reduce cattle reproduction and productivity. Join Dr Paula Gonzalez-Rivas, livestock veterinarian and nutritionist for an indepth webinar about tools and strategies to combat heat stress in your herd.

Dr Gonzalez-Rivas biography:

Dr Gonzalez-Rivas has a Masters in animal studies from the University of Queensland and a PhD in Agricultural Sciences and brings five years of experience in small and large animal practice in Chile.

She also has six years of experience in research applied to nutrition and heat stress in ruminants.

During her Masters, Dr Gonzalez-Rivas studied Northern Beef phosphorous deficiencies, while in her PhD she focused on heat stress amelioration in ruminants using nutritional approaches.

She has also completed a post-doctorate fellowship exploring effects of heat stress on meat quality in feedlot cattle.


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