LAST PLANE OUT ~ Toy Matinee

Описание к видео LAST PLANE OUT ~ Toy Matinee

(With a nudge for the Bernie Sanders campaign.)
Illustrations by Peter Gullerud.
This is the first song (by Kevin Gilbert, Patrick Leonard, Guy Pratt) on the 1990 prog rock album 'Toy Matinee' on Reprise Records.

... 'Greetings from Sodom, how we wish you were here

The weather's getting warmer now that the trees are all cleared. . . .

I hope that someone saves a seat for me on the last plane out.'

"It's an updated Noah's Ark metaphor," Gilbert explained. "It's about that cynical attitude: 'I'm sure science will invent something to replace trees after we've destroyed all of them.' Like, when the party's over, we'll just go somewhere else. But there is no last plane out, there is nowhere else to go. When the party's over, we'll have to live in the mess we've created."


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