Armaan | Zeba | Waheed Murad - Classic Movie - 1966

Описание к видео Armaan | Zeba | Waheed Murad - Classic Movie - 1966

Waheed Murad (Urdu: وحید مراد‎; 2 October 1938 – 23 November 1983), also known as Chocolate Hero, was a Pakistani film actor, producer and script writer. Famous for his charming expressions, attractive personality, tender voice and unusual talent for acting. Waheed is considered as one of the most famous and influential actors of South Asia and has influenced the film industry in the subcontinent.

Screenplay & Directed by Pervez Malik. Written & Produced by Waheed Murad. Music: Sohail Rana. Lyrics & Dialogue: Masroor Anwar. Cast: Zeba, Waheed Murad, Tarranum, Nirala, Rozina, Bibbo, Zahoor Ahmad, Ansari, Qamar, Neelofar, Khurshid Kanwal, Rauf, Sharafat, Agha Sarwar (Debut). B&W. 76 (34) Weeks. March 18, 1966

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Waheed Murad Official Facebook Page
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