Dynamic AI Trains to Fight in NPC Wars! with active ragdoll physics#1

Описание к видео Dynamic AI Trains to Fight in NPC Wars! with active ragdoll physics#1

NPC Wars in Overgrowth with Active Ragdoll Physics. We are watching NPCs boxing eachother with Active Ragdoll Physics in Overgrowth NPC Wars.

NPCs are fighting eachother with Active Ragdoll Physics in Overgrowth. These NPCs can use weapons of all styles or martial arts with different techniques. Each battle between NPCs have it's own unique setting. AI battles and NPC Wars between NPCs showcase Active Ragdoll Physics.

Epic Showdown: Witness the clash of AI minds as they battle it out, limbs flailing, in a spectacular display of skill and physics.
Watch the video on YouTube and immerse yourself in this fascinating world of AI-driven combat! 🎮🤖💥
Character Model Mod:

NPC Wars with Boxing AI in Overgrowth!
List of all the mods used in this video:

Euphoria in Overgrowth (character mod) by Mr. Skeletal and Akazi: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile...

Euphoria dude has had it mod by Daro: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile...

DaroJohn's WACKY new attack animations mod by Daro & Yanwang Ken: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile...

Drika Hotspot Mod by Fason7 and Gyrth: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile...

American City mod by Markuss (uploaded by edo):

Simple Shapes mod by Fason7, F1ute, Bag_Piper: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile...

Dynamic Animation And Combat Overrides mod by Fason7: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile...

Kenney Assets mod by Gyrth: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile...

Quaternius Assets mod by Gyrth: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile...

Super Punch NPC fights the Smart AI! (with Active Ragdoll Physics)

#overgrowth #NPCWars #Ragdoll
#overgrowth #NPCWars #Ragdoll


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