Build Uber Eats with React Native 2024

Описание к видео Build Uber Eats with React Native 2024

Welcome to our coding tutorial where we'll walk you through building the revamped UI for Uber Eats 2024 using React Native Expo. In this tutorial, we'll not only focus on creating a visually appealing interface but also emphasize good programming practices such as the SOLID principles, reusable components, and the DRY principle.

Buy Me A Coffee

1. Setting Up Your Project:
Install React Native Expo and create a new project.
Set up your project structure with folders for components, screens, utilities, etc.

2. Applying SOLID Principles:

Discuss the SOLID principles (Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion).
Design your components and classes with these principles in mind to ensure maintainability and scalability.
3. Creating Reusable Components:

Identify common UI elements across your app (buttons, headers, cards, etc.).
Implement these elements as reusable components using React Native's component architecture.
Utilize props and state effectively to customize component behavior and appearance.
4. Implementing DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) Principle:

Identify areas of code duplication and refactor them into reusable functions or components.
Encapsulate common functionalities into utility functions or hooks to promote code reusability.
Ensure that each piece of code serves a single, well-defined purpose to avoid redundancy.
5. Building the UI:

Design the UI following the latest design trends and guidelines for a modern look and feel.
Use Flexbox and styling techniques to create responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.
Implement navigation using React Navigation to create a seamless user experience.
6. Testing and Debugging:


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