Episode 22: Interview of Dr. Marios S. Pattichis

Описание к видео Episode 22: Interview of Dr. Marios S. Pattichis

AI and Cybersurgery Podcast
Hosted by:
Dr. Andrew Gumbs, Editor-in-Chief of Artificial Intelligence Surgery
Dr. Vincent Grasso, Director of Social Media and Strategy of Artificial Intelligence Surgery

Artificial Intelligence Surgery(https://aisjournal.net) is a surgical journal that focuses on the interface of computers and the art of surgery. The aim of this journal is to create a space for discourse in terms of topics related to artificial intelligence (AI) in surgery such as smart surgical technology/digital surgery, computer-assisted surgical systems and surgical data science. The intention research direction on robotics includes clinical and technological work on tele-manipulation, robotic-assisted technologies, robotic Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) and fully autonomous robots. Priority will be given to research and clinical studies of augmented reality, image-guidance, radiomics and 3D printing. As opposed to many other journals on surgical technology, this journal will not be limited to laparoscopy or other forms of minimally invasive surgery alone, but accept submissions that possess significance and scientific excellence in AI, computer-enhanced imaging and any automation as it pertains to open surgery, endoscopy, NOTES and interventional radiology.


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