Every MARVEL Easter Egg Explained in One Video

Описание к видео Every MARVEL Easter Egg Explained in One Video

MTV News' Josh Horowitz takes you on a journey through all of Marvel Studios' movies to find every Easter egg ...well, up to "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", that is.

This is a repost from MTV News (orig. published on 7/31/14)

NOTE: because this is a repost from MTV News, it retains its title, despite the fact that it doesn't point out "every" Marvel easter egg. But, please, feel free to comment about it in anyway you like.

00:10 - Iron Man
02:02 - The Incredible Hulk
04:16 - Iron Man 2
05:42 - Thor
06:48 - Captain America: The First Avenger
08:08 - The Avengers
09:45 - Iron Man 3
10:50 - Thor: The Dark World

Get the 2014 Marvel hit, "Guardians of the Galaxy" on Blu-ray: http://amzn.com/B00N1JQ2UO

No profit or copyright infringement intended.
Posted for historical, educational and entertainment purposes.

Original video on MTV.com:

Great Easter Eggs video for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY:
   • GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY - Every Easte...  

   • Every Easter Egg In CAPTAIN AMERICA: ...  


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