Golf Clash : Texan Track 9-Hole cup Tournament | Master QR

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We are playing in the Solar States tournament in the Expert division which contains the holes from the Sunshine Glads course. Holes last played in a bunch of tournaments in the past I will enumerate just a few of them :
Halloween Tournament, Riverside, Monster Tournament, TouchDown, you can for sure search for those tournaments and get what we played at that moment in time
The qualifying round is the least important round of all of them since OR will be taken first as a tie-breaker but for sure using my guide will boost your score and qualify without breaking a sweat.

Good luck out there

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  / tgradu  

Golf Clash is a competitive game and we will find ourselves in hard or easy brackets depending on our skill level sometimes is easy to qualify, and sometimes not that easy but with the help of my guides you will always do great if you can hit those perfect shots.

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