About Connectors vs Devices - Black Diamond Gridlock vs TAZ LOV3

Описание к видео About Connectors vs Devices - Black Diamond Gridlock vs TAZ LOV3

Connector compatibility with a device is key in rope work risk management. Here I show an example of poor compatibility. Note that there are many many examples of poor compatibility and relatively few great couplings of connectors with devices. One striking example is the Black Diamond Gridlock vsTAZ LOV3 presented here. Note that the Kong Backup is specified to be used only with a Kong Ovalone. All devices (that I tested) can load carabiners very wrong and the users need to acknowledge the risks of the gear they use.

The testing of 624 couplings available in my courses is in the form of a spreadsheet with short notes. There are NOT 624 videos! Also I advise that YOU test your own gear and see for yourself because I may have tested incorrectly and not seen a dangerous behaviour. IF I detected a problem and you have not, do more testing: you should find a flaw :-)

Please consider buying an online course from me: you will learn A TON! https://blissclimbing.com/en/online-c...

Find a TAZ LOV3 here: https://www.mapleleafropes.com/store/...

Find the Black Diamond Gridlock Screwgate here: https://www.mapleleafropes.com/store/...


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