The business of biometrics | Madhumita Murgia | TEDxGateway

Описание к видео The business of biometrics | Madhumita Murgia | TEDxGateway

Madhumita Murgia chronicles the rising use of biological data - from faces to voices and DNA - by companies whose products we use every single day. By giving away this sensitive data for free, we open ourselves up to potential crimes, discrimination and even mass surveillance. She wants each one of us - anyone who uses the internet - to stand up and demand biometric rights, before it's too late.
Madhumita is an award-winning journalist who has written extensively about the effects of pervasive technologies on society. In 2013, she became interested in the spiderweb of companies that were tracking and selling personal data about our daily habits online and offline, which she exposed through an investigation into her own data profile. Today, she continues to dig into this data ecosystem and its rapid evolution. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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