"Satisfied Mind" Bon Iver, Portland Maine

Описание к видео "Satisfied Mind" Bon Iver, Portland Maine

Bon Iver preforming a cover of "Satisfied Mind" in Portland Maine on December 8th, 2017.

"If I had money, I would do things my way."
But little they know, that it's so hard to find
One rich man in ten, with a satisfied mind.
Money can't buy back all your youth when you're old,
A friend when you're lonely, or peace to your soul.
The wealthiest person, is a pauper at times
Compared to the man with a satisfied mind.
When my life is over and my time has run out,
My friends and my loved ones, I will leave there's no doubt.
But one thing's for certain, when it comes my time,
I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind.
But one thing's for certain, when it comes my time,
I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind mind mind, mind mind,
Satisfied mind.


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