Brand New Ship on its Second Voyage Stranded in the Great Lakes

Описание к видео Brand New Ship on its Second Voyage Stranded in the Great Lakes

The first ice of the year is on the ground, and Duluth welcomes a first time visitor! Launched in June of this year (2023), and taking her Maiden Voyage in early September, the Musala is a brand new, 620ft “saltie” bulk freighter designed for use on both the Great Lakes and the Oceans.

Her first trip appears to have been to the Black Sea region, after which she sailed directly to the Lakes and came through the Welland Canal shortly before all the workers there went on strike, trapping all oceangoing vessels and Canadian lakers in (and out of) the upper four lakes with no way out. Hopefully they resolve the situation before these guys are waiting too long, and everyone on all sides end up happy! For now, about 2/3s of the ships on the Lakes are stranded and not moving.

Musala is loading wheat at Superior’s CHS Dock 1 next to the Blatnik Bridge. She will be taking her to Gibraltar. In the meantime we welcome a brand new ship, saluting the bridge for the very first time, a beautiful Master’s Salute!

Update- the Welland strike has resolved! She and all the other oceangoing and Canadian vessels are no longer stranded and are free to leave as usual!


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